We have exciting news to share that will have a huge impact on Loom and Power and bringing textile manufacturing back to the Cotswolds.
With the help of Innovate UK and their Transformative Technologies fund we are in a position to start our FUTURE.WOOL project. This will run for 6 months and will enable us to build our pilot line wool dyeing unit. By the end of project we should be in a position to start offering commission dyeing services for wool spinners and weavers in the Cotswolds and beyond.
In anticipation we have also filed our first patent application with the UK Intellectual Property Office. This is very exciting and will hopefully help us protect our unique solution and grow our offering locally.
The FUTURE.WOOL project is looking for collaborators who would like to test their wool in this system. We hope it will be suitable for all wool types, including high kemp, hairy and fancy yarns. To prove this out we are seeking donations of cone ends and seconds for us to run through our machine.